Shipping/ Delivery Policies

  • International Shipping Policies: Mi Casa W.L.L does not offer international shipping.
  • Local Shipping Policies:
    • Mi Casa W.L.L does offer local shipping, depending upon the location of the customer.
    • Delivery fee would be BHD 0.600/- fils per order. Minimum order would be BHD 10/-
    • Mi Casa W.L.L has the right to accept or reject the delivery for any reason that may be disclosed or undisclosed.
    • Shipping costs may vary depending upon the demographic location
    • On order confirmation the user will have the delivery done within 60 minutes from the time of order confirmation.
    • All deliveries are from 1:00 PM – 1:00 AM. Any order before & after the mentioned hours are considered void.


  • Return shipping cost in case of refunds/exchanges:
    • Mi Casa W.L.L will not charge shipping costs on returns/ exchanges for any flaw in the order done by Mi Casa W.L.L. Return shipping cost may depend upon the reason for exchange/ refund.